Category Archives: Protests

Occupy Elgin is Celebrating Juneteenth on Saturday, June 20th.

Please join us on Saturday, June 20th from 1 PM till 2 PM at the corner of Kimball and Grove Street in Elgin.  We will wear masks and we will stand at least 6 feet apart for social distancing.  But we will be passionate in our celebration of Juneteenth, the festival that commemorates the end of slavery in 1865.   We stand in support of the Movement for Black Lives.  We call for the Defense of Black Lives, for De-funding the Police*,  and we call upon Donald Trump to resign the presidency.

  • The definition of this term is being explored and developed as you read these words. 

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Occupy Elgin for Saturday, January 25th, 2020: No War With Iran!


Tensions between the US and Iran remain extremely high between the US and Iran, since Trump ordered the assassination of General Qasem Soleimani, an act that brought us to the brink of war.    Such a war would be catastrophic politically, strategically, and morally.  It would kill countless innocent civilians, and would further destabilize the Middle East.  It would exacerbate the climate crisis.  It would make no sense.

So at Occupy Elgin on Saturday, January 20th, our message will be No War with Iran.   read more

FVC4PNJ Events July 4th weekend + beyond

Fox Valley Citizens for Peace & Justice will hold our July meeting on Saturday, July 1, from 9 AM till 11:30 AM.  As part of our long agenda, we will take time to continue our conversation about how to rekindle the peace movement. 

Occupy Elgin will gather from 1 PM till 2 PM on Saturday, July 1st at the corner of Kimball Street and Grove Avenue in Elgin.  Our message for the day will be Trump Care is NO care!  Support Single Payer Health Care, otherwise known as Expanded and Improved Medicare for All.  Please join us. read more