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Stop Sending Military Aid to Israel!

Whereas there has been a cease fire with Gaza, Israel is continuing its violent atrocities in other regions. 

We call upon the United States to stop sending military aid to Israel!

War never solves anything; it just breeds resentment and causes much harm to the people.  
We need more diplomacy in our foreign relations. 

There is a peaceful answer when there is enough will power to take it on.

Occupy Elgin is Fighting for the Green New Deal.


On Saturday, August 24th, and again On Saturday, August 31st,  Occupy Elgin will gather from 1 PM till 2 PM at the corner of Kimball Street and Grove Avenue in Elgin.  We will hold signs and distribute flyers calling for                                  a Green New Deal. 

Such a program would alleviate poverty and inequality,  employ the currently unemployed and under-employed, and move us toward a more fair and equitable society. 

Most important, it would address the urgency of the climate crisis.  It would sharply reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and would start us moving over the next ten years towards 100% clean, renewable energy.   It would move us back from the brink of climate catastrophe, and toward a livable planet.   

Please join us at Kimball and Grove on Saturday, August  24th, and 31st,  2019 from 1 PM till 2 PM  to advocate for a Green New Deal. read more