To be considered for this $750 scholarship, you must meet the following criteria.
Be a senior in a District U-46 high school
Be enrolled in or have an application pending at an accredited college
The following items must be mailed no later than April 9, 2021, to Fox Valley Citizens for Peace and Justice, PO #3, Geneva, IL 60134.
A recommendation from a teacher and/or supervisor
An essay of no more than 1,000 words, typed
The application form below, completed and stapled to the essay
The essay: Many of the issues that Fox Valley Citizens for Peace and Justice addresses are on the back of this page. After reviewing them, select one or an aspect of one and explain in your own words why you believe it to be important. Include any volunteer work or social action you have participated in to advance this and/or any other of these more
Fox Valley Citizens for Peace and Justice opposes any new fossil fuel infrastructure or fossil fuel expansion. We especially oppose new oil pipelines or the expansion of the volume of oil transported through existing oil pipelines. In particular, we oppose Enbridge’s Line 3 in Minnesota, which already brings tar sands oil down from Canada, through Wisconsin and Illinois to refineries in Patoka, Illinois, and ultimately to the Gulf Coast.
Enbridge wants to replace it’s existing Line 3 in Minnesota. If they succeed in getting the permits to do that, they will certainly expand the operation of their Line 66 in Wisconsin. And then they will almost certainly want to expand their existing Line 61 in Illinois, by building a “twin” to Line 61 or by simply increasing the volume of oil they transport through Line 61. Every step along the way, these changes would increase the risk of leaks and spills of tar sands oil, the dirtiest, most polluting form of petroleum on the planet. And every step along the way, they would make the climate crisis more catastrophic than it already is. read more
Hundreds of cars whizzed past us every moment while the wind blew, but spirits were high. We were joining the Women’s March, urging people to vote, and supporting the Illinois Fair Tax proposition.
KathySandy N., Marie, Dan
Mary S.
Mary talks with RogerNancy guards the banner.Rex sticks with his message.the mysterious strangerRalph, Sandy K, & Sandy NRoger FraserKathy, Maura, & Frederic
Federal agents invade US cities. Implications and what we can do about it.
On-line activism versus street activism. Can those of us staying at home to avoid the virus do anything effective at this dangerous, dreadful and hopeful time?
Can we continue to engage in the national fight for Racial Justice which has continued and is making some progress, and also address Climate, Medicare for All, Immigrants’ Rights, and other urgent causes?
Password to join is PHOt76. Post screening panel via zoom requires registration
Ongoing Campaigns
Occupy Elgin is doing substantial work on homelessness and doing weekly demonstrations each Saturday from 1 PM till 2 Pm at Kimball and Grove in Elgin calling for racial more
Promoting peace, a stronger democracy, and social and economic justice through education, dialog, and action