Tag Archives: NO WAR

Stop Sending Military Aid to Israel!

Whereas there has been a cease fire with Gaza, Israel is continuing its violent atrocities in other regions. 

We call upon the United States to stop sending military aid to Israel!

War never solves anything; it just breeds resentment and causes much harm to the people.  
We need more diplomacy in our foreign relations. 

There is a peaceful answer when there is enough will power to take it on.

Occupy Elgin for Saturday, January 25th, 2020: No War With Iran!


Tensions between the US and Iran remain extremely high between the US and Iran, since Trump ordered the assassination of General Qasem Soleimani, an act that brought us to the brink of war.    Such a war would be catastrophic politically, strategically, and morally.  It would kill countless innocent civilians, and would further destabilize the Middle East.  It would exacerbate the climate crisis.  It would make no sense.

So at Occupy Elgin on Saturday, January 20th, our message will be No War with Iran.   read more