Elgin Citizens’ Initiative for a Resolution Declaring a Climate Emergency We recommend including any or all of the following points. Don’t feel limited by our list, however. Your own heartfelt reasons can only strengthen our cause.

1. We’re concerned that the pandemic could cause the Council to shelve the proposed resolution for months. Consider pointing out that the climate crisis is not taking time out for the pandemic; rather, many of its consequences already are upon us and others are imminent. The pandemic does illustrate the terrible price of ignoring an impending disaster and then doing too little too late. read more

Occupy Elgin for Saturday, January 25th, 2020: No War With Iran!


Tensions between the US and Iran remain extremely high between the US and Iran, since Trump ordered the assassination of General Qasem Soleimani, an act that brought us to the brink of war.    Such a war would be catastrophic politically, strategically, and morally.  It would kill countless innocent civilians, and would further destabilize the Middle East.  It would exacerbate the climate crisis.  It would make no sense.

So at Occupy Elgin on Saturday, January 20th, our message will be No War with Iran.   read more

Butterflies Are Free: Trauma, Turmoil, and Testimony at the US, Mexico Border– Public Program, March 30th, 2019, Elgin.

Free Public Program, March 30th, 2019, 2:30 PM, the Elgin Room,  Gail Borden Library, 270 N. Grove Street, Elgin.

Why are families from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, many with small children,  leaving their countries in large numbers and coming to the US border asking for Asylum?

Public Artist David Stocker and Videographer Mike Barr, from Rockford, IL, traveled to the US/Mexico Border for the past two years to participate in the massive demonstrations held there each November.  There, many times over,  they found answers to the question above.  They will share their stories and insights with us.  

Most of us grow up up learning that the United States brings democracy, freedom, and human rights to countries around the world.  All too often, especially in Central and Latin America the truth is just the opposite.

Come and learn the painful history of Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras and of their suffering populations.  Come and rejoice in the triumphant survival of these people as they defy nightmarish conditions to reach out for a better life for themselves and their families.

Bring your questions, ideas, and experiences.  There will be time for Q&A and discussion.
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Occupy Elgin for Sat, March 23rd, 2019

Occupy Elgin will gather on Saturday, March 23rd, 2019 from 1 PM till 2 PM at the corner of Kimball Street & Grove Elgin.  We will hold signs and distribute flyers calling upon Congress to Cancel Student Debt.

44 Million Americans are struggling to pay off their student loans.  Collectively they owe nearly $1.4 trillion dollars.  This debt burden can take the joy out of their individual lives.  But it also delays their major life decisions, like getting married, having children, buying a house or starting a business.  This means that student debt ends up being a drag on our entire economy, affecting whole families and larger communities.  If we hit an economic downturn with serious unemployment,  many of those debt holders would have to default, so it could help tip us into a full recession.  This is a problem for all of us. read more

Promoting peace, a stronger democracy, and social and economic justice through education, dialog, and action