We joined Occupy Elgin Showing support for Michael Brown
Here is an article from the Daily Herald about our Protest
People’s Climate March in Elgin, Illinois, Sunday, September 21st
Please join Fox Valley Citizens for Peace & Justice, for a People’s Climate March in Elgin, Illinois on Sunday, September 21st.
This event will be in sympathy and support of the HUGE Citizens Climate March which will be held on that day in New York City. There will be similar events all across the country.
Our goal is to draw awareness to the Climate Crisis and demand that our elected officials take action to halt greenhouse gas emissions. We will rally at Kimball Street and Grove Avenue at 3:30 PM. We will have signs and will distribute flyers to passers-by. Then we will walk with our signs to Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren, 783 W Highland Avenue to join a potluck supper. Feel free to bring your own sign or use one of ours.
rally for Justice for Michael Brown at Occupy Elgin on Saturday, August 23rd
Join us for a rally for Justice for Michael Brown at Occupy Elgin on Saturday, August 23rd at 1:00 PM at the corner of Kimball Street at Grove Avenue in Elgin.
Justice for Michael Brown – Michael Brown was ‘walking while Black’ and paid for this ‘offense’ with his life. A murderous Ferguson, Mo. cop, Darren Wilson, shot an unarmed, unresisting Brown six times. Brown’s body lay in the street unattended, unexamined and uncovered for four hours. Medical personnel were not allowed to help the victim. The officer who killed Brown did not even check for a pulse. .
Streamwood Parade
We were joined by Occupy Elgin and Occupy Naperville at the Streamwood Parade on July 26!