Occupy Elgin will meet on Saturday, April 1st from 1 PM till 2 PM at the corner of Kimball Street and Grove Avenue in Elgin. We will hold signs and distribute flyers. Our emphasis will be:
Immigrants are Welcome Here!
Refugees are Welcome Here!
Muslims are Welcome Here!
We strongly oppose the Travel Ban on people from six Arab countries and the plans to detain and deport many immigrants.
Fox Valley Voices for Democracy, a newly formed organization, along with Fox Valley Citizens for Peace & Justice will hold aDemonstration of Protest to express our strenuous rejection of
HR #2653, the new Paul Ryan Health Care Bill. Wednesday, March 22nd from 5:30 till 7:00 PM Elgin City Hall 150 Dexter Court Elgin, IL 60120 We will gather outside city hall, not because we are targeting city officials, but because that location, at the local level, represents government. We will make ourselves visible. We will have speakers, signs, and a vigorous crowd of protesters. We see the “replacement” for the ACA as a war upon the poor, the working class, and the middle class by the One-Percent, the billionaire class, and by our elected officials who do their bidding. The bill will gut Medicaid, damage Medicare, and will throw millions of people off the insurance rolls over the next ten years. Thousands will die; the poor, people with disabilities, people with chronic health conditions. The bill will also provide a big tax cut to the wealthy. We believe that health care is a human right, not a commodity. Some of us support the ACA, while many of us support a Single Payer Health Care system, such as is described by HR # 676, and as exists in Canada. Every other industrialized country, and even a very poor country like Nicaragua, has some form of universal coverage for health care its citizens. Here in the US, we pay more than people in those countries, and receive less care. We are outraged. Join us.
Occupy Elgin will meet on Saturday, March 11th from 1 PM till 2 PM at the corner of Kimball Street and Grove Avenue in Elgin. We will hold signs and distribute flyers. Our emphasis will be: Immigrants are Welcome Here!
Refugees are Welcome Here!
Muslims are Welcome Here!
We strongly oppose the Travel Ban on people from six Arab countries and the plans to detain and deport many immigrants.
On Saturday evening, March 11th, Fox Valley Citizens for Peace and Justice will participate in a film showing and panel discussion in Batavia.read more
Occupy Elgin will meet on Saturday, Feb 25th at the corner of Kimball Street and Grove Avenue in Elgin from 1:00 PM till 2:00 PM. Our theme will be a call to stop the destructive agenda of Trump. We will give special attention to Trump’s terrible Supreme Court nomination, his unfit cabinet appointments, his increasingly visible incompetence, his Muslim Travel Ban, and his decision to direct the Army Corp of Engineers to begin drilling for the DaKota Access Pipeline. We will not limit ourselves to those topics.read more
Occupy Elgin will gather at the corner of Kimball Street and Grove Avenue in Elgin on Saturday, December 17th from 1 :00 PM till 2: 00 PM. Our message for the day will be a call to Save Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Below is the text of the flyer we will distribute. Save Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security!
House Speaker Paul Ryan plans to change Medicare drastically. His plan would charge seniors more money and provide less health coverage.
Ryan intends to replace traditional Medicare, an efficient program offering guaranteed treatment and featuring rock-bottom administrative costs, with a privatized program. Seniors would get a federal voucher to help them pay premiums to buy private health insurance. Ryan calls this system “premium support.”read more
Promoting peace, a stronger democracy, and social and economic justice through education, dialog, and action