July 15th, Occupy Elgin & Meeting of Fox Valley Voices for Democracy

Occupy Elgin will meet at the corner of Kimball Street & Grove Avenue on Saturday, July 15th from 11:30 AM  till 12:30 PM.  This is DIFFERENT from our usual time.  We are making this change so that our members can go to the meeting of Fox Valley Voices for Democracy that afternoon from 1 PM till 3 PM.

Our Topic for the day will be support for the People and Planet First Budget for Illinois.  Now that the budget impasse has been broken and Illinois has a budget,  let’s demand that our elected officials move towards a better budget that helps ordinary citizens instead of hurting us.  read more

FVC4PNJ Events July 4th weekend + beyond

Fox Valley Citizens for Peace & Justice will hold our July meeting on Saturday, July 1, from 9 AM till 11:30 AM.  As part of our long agenda, we will take time to continue our conversation about how to rekindle the peace movement. 

Occupy Elgin will gather from 1 PM till 2 PM on Saturday, July 1st at the corner of Kimball Street and Grove Avenue in Elgin.  Our message for the day will be Trump Care is NO care!  Support Single Payer Health Care, otherwise known as Expanded and Improved Medicare for All.  Please join us. read more

Promoting peace, a stronger democracy, and social and economic justice through education, dialog, and action