On December 20th, 2014 we joined with Occupy Elgin and citizens to express our solidarity with the actions occurring throughout the country calling to the end to the murder of unarmed black men and boys. We believe all citizens regardless of color have to right to equal justice under law.
On June 22, we paid a visit to Bill Foster (D) while he attended a private fundraiser outside of his district. Our Purpose? To remind him that the people of America OPPOSE the TPP and to send a clear message that he should not vote for this disastrous trade policy.
The Trans Pacific Partnership is a proposed new trade treaty which opponents call NAFTA on Steroids. NIJwJ believes that it will eliminate many thousands of jobs for US workers, create new obstacles to environmental protection, climate protection, food safety , and workers’ rights. It will also increase the cost of prescription drugs, and impose new, extremely restrictive rules on the exchange of information and “content” on the internet.
The Trans Pacific Partnership is a threat to democracy because it gives multinational corporations the right to sue nation states, including the US, which pass laws which interfere with a corporation’s “expected future profits.” So, if the US passes the Employee Free Choice Act, or a Carbon Tax, or even a “Buy American” law, the United States could be sued for doing that. The case would be tried before a three person panel, made up of corporate lawyers, who could impose substantial fines (to be paid out of taxpayer money) or possibly the law could be overturned. These tribunals would be held in secret and there would be no appeal.read more
Promoting peace, a stronger democracy, and social and economic justice through education, dialog, and action