Occupy Elgin, Sat, June 10th, 1 PM to 2 PM. Honor the Paris Climate Accord.

Occupy Elgin will meet at our usual location,  the corner of Kimball Street and Grove Avenue in Elgin, across from Gail Borden Library from 1 PM till 2 PM.  Our Message will be Honor the Paris Climate Accord!

Like many people around the country, we are horrified by Trump’s decision to pull the US out of the accord.  But we are inspired that so many people, even entire cities and states and institutions, have stepped forward to say that they will observe the Paris Accord by cutting greenhouse gasses and cutting their own carbon footprint.
We will keep up our part of the Paris Accords.  We will take responsibility for making the earth livable for our children and grandchildren. read more

Upcoming actions and meetings for activists

  1. Emergency Response Rally to Preserve the Paris Climate Accords.  Chicago, Friday, June 2nd,   4:30 PM to 6 PM.  Trump Tower followed by a Walk to Daley Plaza.  

2) Saturday, June 3rd, 9 AM meeting of Fox Valley Citizens for Peace & Justice.  Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren, (HACOB)  783 W. Highland Avenue, Elgin, 60123.  I will send out an agenda for this meeting in a few days.  

3)  Friday, June 9th, 7 PM, Film Showing at Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren, (HACOB)  about voter suppression.   This event is free and open to all.  Light refreshments provided.

4) Saturday, June 10th  Aurora Green Fest at the Prisco Center in Aurora.  FVC4PNJ will have a literature table. read more

Rally for Single Payer Health Care, April 8th, 10 AM, Elgin

April 8th Action for Improved Medicare for All!
Single Payer Health Care, HR #676.
Saturday, April 8th from 10:00 AM till 11:00 AM
in front of Sherman Hospital on Randall Road in Elgin
that’s 1425 N Randall Rd, Elgin, IL 60123.
See the map here.

This will be part of a Nationwide Day of Action.  Please join us in a rally for HR #676, Single Payer Health Care.

Thanks to the persistent and persuasive activism of literally millions of Americans, we stopped the cruel Paul Ryan Health Care Plan which would have thrown more than 20 million citizens off the insurance rolls.  When that plan went down to a well-deserved and ignominious defeat, it opened up an opportunity for us to raise our voices and call for the only plan that will genuinely cut health care costs, cover everybody, preserve choice of provider, and give Americans the health care we deserve.  Many of us have argued for Single Payer Health Care for years.  The fight to make it happen is still a long and daunting one, because many of our elected officials and the mainstream media will not even conduct an open and fact-based dialogue about it.   read more

Two Upcoming Meetings

Fox Valley Citizens for Peace & Justice will hold our April meeting on Saturday, April 1st at 9:00 AM at Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren, 783 W. Highland Avenue in Elgin.  

The newly- formed Fox Valley Voices for Democracy will hold our April meeting on Saturday, April 22nd  from 1 PM till 3 PM at Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren, 783 W. Highland Avenue in Elgin.  We have seven working groups:  economic justice, the environment, health care, education, women’s issues, protecting vulnerable people,   & voting rights. read more

Promoting peace, a stronger democracy, and social and economic justice through education, dialog, and action