Fox Valley Citizens for Peace & Justice will meet at 9 AM on Saturday, July 7th, 2018 at Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren, 783 W. Highland Avenue, Second Floor, Elgin, Anyone who loves peace and justice is welcome to attend.
Please Walk with FVC4PNJ in Elgin’s July 4th Parade
Please Walk with Fox Valley Citizens for Peace and Justice in Elgin’s July 4th Parade.
Wednesday, July 4th, 2018
Line-up between 8 AM and 8:30 AM on Douglas Street between Jefferson Avenue and Lovell Avenue.
Parade Monitors will call that Brook Street C.
Step-off at 9 AM
The Parade Winds Down around 11 AM.
Free Parking is available in downtown Elgin. You can walk from there to the corner of Grove Avenue and Kimball Street and find a free shuttle bus that will take you to Lovell Avenue at Douglas Street. Then walk West to Brook Street and look for us.
Clean Energy, Clean Jobs, Bright Future, March 27th, Elgin
The Future Energy Jobs Act
A Public Forum
Tuesday, March 27th 6:30
Gail Borden Public Library,
270 N. Grove Avenue
Elgin, IL 60120
Illinois took a huge step forward in becoming a clean energy state in 2016 by passing the Future Energy Jobs Act (FEJA). This Act will increase the use of solar energy across Illinois and provide job training to keep up with new demand. How will the solar power program work? Where do folks go to access it? And how does job training happen?
State Rep. Anna Moeller will talk about her recent trip to Germany where she toured to learn about how that country is moving quickly towards an economy fueled by solar and wind energy. Caroline Wooten from Sierra Club will lay out the provisions and promise of the Future Energy Jobs Act, and Harry Ohde of IBEW 134 will talk about training for solar workers. Other speakers will include State Senator Cristina Castro, State Rep. Steve Anderssen, and Elgin City Councilor Tish Powell.
Public Conversation about Racism & How to Fight it. Elgin, Jan 23rd
A Public Conversation About Racism
Traci Ellis, U-46 School Board member, local African American Leader, and recipient of Elgin’s 2018 Martin Luther King Humanitarian Award, has agreed to be part of a public conversation about the persistence of racism, both personal and institutional, and what we can do to fight it.
Fox Valley Citizens for Peace & Justice and Northern Illinois Jobs with Justice are hosting this meeting along with Traci Ellis.
Tuesday, January 23rd, 6:00 PM,
Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren
The GOP Tax Plan–new flyer for distribution
Fox Valley Citizens for Peace & Justice is alarmed about the GOP Tax bills. The House and Senate versions may soon be reconciled and passed into law, and signed by the President. If so, it will create an enormous transfer of wealth and power from the 99% to the wealthiest. We see this as class warfare and will fight it.
Please join us in this work. Sign up on this website on the left side of our home page to get into our email list. Come to our meetings at Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren on the first Saturday of each month at 9:00 AM.