We will have a banner and several signs that say “Should the 1 percent run America?” We will have 2 banners that say ” Stop the Enbridge pipeline.” We will have signs carrying other social justice, anti-war, and environmental justice messages. You can bring a sign or banner of your own as long as it carries a congruent message. Signs in Spanish are welcome and encouraged.
We will be delighted to have you walk with us.
Here is the line-up information for those who said they would walk in Elgin’s July 4th parade, or who said they might do so.read more
On March 11, 2015, members of Fox Valley Citizens for Peace and Justice lobbied two Illinois Representatives with regards to the Trans Pacific Partnership. We told them both to vote NO on Fast Track and the TPP. We dropped off literature to Tammy and gave her a letter that had signatures from unions opposing Fast Track for the TPP.
Bruce Rauner will bring his anti-worker agenda to Elgin. He is speaking at Elgin’s Public House at 219 E. Chicago Street, Elgin 60120 on Friday, March 6th at 4:15 PM. Fox Valley Citizens for Peace & Justice will join with Northern Illinois Jobs with Justice and several unions and will form a mass picket on the street in front of that restaurant.
Join us in support of unions, and the rights of working people. We will gather on that block at 3:30 PM. Dress for the weather. Bring signs if you can. There is a parking deck (free) at the corner of Chicago Street and Spring Street.read more
One Billion Rising is a global campaign by women, for women. The movement calls for an end to violence, and for justice and gender equality.
On Valentine’s Day, we learned how we can create change through self expression, surviving abuse, growing self-esteem, raising our children nonviolently, developing and supporting community resources.
The Long Red Line event was held from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm on Saturday, February 14th, 2015 at the Gail Borden Library, in Elgin, Illinois.
Sponsors of The Long Red Line are the Community Crisis Center, League of Women Voters of the Elgin Area, Open Door Clinic, Unitarian Universalist Church of Elgin, Fox Valley Citizens for Peace & Justice, Coalition of Elgin Religious Leaders, Elgin YWCA, ECC Peace & Justice, and Conscious Cup Coffee Roasters.read more
Fox Valley Citizens for Peace and Justice, Elgin Green Groups, and the Unitarian Universalist Church of Elgin rallied against the Keystone XL Pipeline. on Jan. 13, 2014
The House of Representatives passed it last week. The Senate may pass it next week or two. We hope that President Obama will veto it. By holding this rally, we told ALL our elected officials that we will not quietly accept this destructive action on their part.
The Keystone XL pipeline is a threat to our whole ecosystem. Here is whyread more
Promoting peace, a stronger democracy, and social and economic justice through education, dialog, and action