Duluth Rising!!!

On Monday, Nov. 2nd Indigenous leaders, students, and concerned citizens are taking to the streets in Duluth  to stop Enbridge’s pipeline invasion. We are demanding Enbridge do full consultation with tribes impacted by their proposed pipeline expansion plans & move forward with a full environmental review.


  1. Message amplification – retweets and shares on the day of the action!
  2. Digital recruitment — spreading the word in the lead up to turn people out!


Primary Hashtag: #StopEnbridge, #FloodTheSystem

Secondary Hashtags: #NoTarSands, #TarSands, #DuluthRising

Tweet Targets: @Enbridge, @GovMarkDayton, read more

Drumming Circle for a Livable World

Egg Logo 2-2 (2)                  logo for Fox Valley Citizens for Peace & Justice-Sally's daughter'sChapterLogo(colour)

As part of our series of events leading up to the Paris Climate Summit,  Fox Valley Citizens for Peace & Justice is working with Elgin Green Groups 350.org and Sierra Club Valley of the Fox group  to sponsor a Drumming  Circle for a Livable World on Saturday, October 10th from 4PM till 6PM  on the lawn near the Hemmens Auditorium at 45 Symphony Way, Elgin 60120.

We hope to raise consciousness about the need for  radical, large-scale,  multidimensional change,  if we are to leave our fragile earthly home as a healthy place for our children and grandchildren to live peacefully and thrive. read more

Occupy Elgin for Sept 5th, 1PM. Support Iran Nuclear Deal

Occupy Elgin will meet on Saturday, September 5th,  from 1PM till 2PM at the corner of Kimball Street and Grove Avenue in Elgin.  We will focus on support for the Iran Nuclear Deal.

Support Iran Nuclear Deal!
A war with Iran would be even more disastrous to our troops, our society, and our position in the world than our recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The same persons who led us into those wars intend to provoke a war with Iran. In those cases, they told us that the war would be quick and easy and could be won mostly from the air. They were wrong then and they are wrong now. They are the major opponents of the Iran Nuclear Deal. read more

Ask Tammy Duckworth to support the Iran Nuclear Deal!

You can copy this letter and send it to Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth in an email or on paper.  You can edit it to personalize your message, and you can modify it to make it suitable for other members of Congress. 

August______________, 2015

The Honorable Tammy Duckworth, MC

1701 E. Woodfield Road, Suite 704

Schaumburg, IL 60173

RE: Please support the agreement with Iran

Dear Ms. Duckworth:

I commend your statement on your web site: “As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, I am also committed to working to ensure that our nation never again goes to war without fully considering and understanding the true costs. The effects of war need to be taken into serious consideration before putting our troops at risk.” I am confident that you agree both that Iran must not obtain nuclear arms and that a war with Iran would be even more disastrous to our troops, our society and our position in the world than our recent interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan. The same persons who led us into those wars have the stated intent of provoking war with Iran. Just as in those prior cases, they tell us now that the war would be brief, could be won from the air, and would not involve American troops on the ground. They were wrong then and they are wrong now. read more

Fourth of July Parade – 2015

FVC4PNJ marched in the 2015 Elgin, IL 4th of July Day Parade. We were joined by members of Occupy Naperville, Occupy Elgin, Northern Illinois Jobs with Justice, 350Kishwaukee and the Chicago Anonymous.

We also walked in the Streamwood Summer Festival Parade on July 25th,   accompanied by the same excellent allies.

Flyer we handed out



Promoting peace, a stronger democracy, and social and economic justice through education, dialog, and action