The Future Energy Jobs Act
A Public Forum
Tuesday, March 27th 6:30
Gail Borden Public Library,
270 N. Grove Avenue
Elgin, IL 60120

Illinois took a huge step forward in becoming a clean energy state in 2016 by passing the Future Energy Jobs Act (FEJA). This Act will increase the use of solar energy across Illinois and provide job training to keep up with new demand. How will the solar power program work? Where do folks go to access it? And how does job training happen?
State Rep. Anna Moeller will talk about her recent trip to Germany where she toured to learn about how that country is moving quickly towards an economy fueled by solar and wind energy. Caroline Wooten from Sierra Club will lay out the provisions and promise of the Future Energy Jobs Act, and Harry Ohde of IBEW 134 will talk about training for solar workers. Other speakers will include State Senator Cristina Castro, State Rep. Steve Anderssen, and Elgin City Councilor Tish Powell. read more
Fox Valley Citizens for Peace and Justice, along with Northern lllinois Jobs with Justice, Fox Valley Voices for Democracy, and West Suburban IL Democratic Socialists of America are sponsoring a public program:
The GOP Tax Plan: Class Warfare, Geopolitics, & the Alt-Right
Wednesday, November 29th
7:00 PM
Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren
783 W. Highland Avenue
Elgin, IL 60123
Our featured speaker will be Dr. Bill Barclay, Economist
Dr. William (Bill) Barclay is a founding member of Democratic Socialists of America (DSA, and of the Chicago Political Economy Group (CPEG, He is on the steering committee for the Oak Park branch of the Chicago chapter of DSA; he helped found and serves on the executive committee of Northern Illinois Jobs with Justice. Prior to retiring in 2004, he worked for 22 years in financial services, including more than a decade at the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), the world’s largest option market, and five years at the Chicago Stock Exchange. read more
- Emergency Response Rally to Preserve the Paris Climate Accords. Chicago, Friday, June 2nd, 4:30 PM to 6 PM. Trump Tower followed by a Walk to Daley Plaza.
2) Saturday, June 3rd, 9 AM meeting of Fox Valley Citizens for Peace & Justice. Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren, (HACOB) 783 W. Highland Avenue, Elgin, 60123. I will send out an agenda for this meeting in a few days.
3) Friday, June 9th, 7 PM, Film Showing at Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren, (HACOB) about voter suppression. This event is free and open to all. Light refreshments provided.
4) Saturday, June 10th Aurora Green Fest at the Prisco Center in Aurora. FVC4PNJ will have a literature table. read more
Fox Valley Citizens for Peace & Justice will hold our April meeting on Saturday, April 1st at 9:00 AM at Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren, 783 W. Highland Avenue in Elgin.
The newly- formed Fox Valley Voices for Democracy will hold our April meeting on Saturday, April 22nd from 1 PM till 3 PM at Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren, 783 W. Highland Avenue in Elgin. We have seven working groups: economic justice, the environment, health care, education, women’s issues, protecting vulnerable people, & voting rights. read more
Promoting peace, a stronger democracy, and social and economic justice through education, dialog, and action