All posts by Mary Shesgreen

We Are Running Out of Time!

Below is the text of the flyer we will distribute at Occupy Elgin on Saturday, November 8th.

Human influence on the climate is real, and recent human-caused emissions of greenhouse gases are now the highest in history. Recent climate changes have had widespread impacts on human and natural systems.

Human-caused greenhouse gas emissions have increased since the industrial revolution, leading to atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide that are unprecedented in at least the last 800,000 years. The atmosphere and ocean have warmed, the amounts of snow and ice at the poles have diminished, sea level has risen and the ocean has become more acidic. read more

Alternatives to Corporate Capitalism

Large corporations in the US  have gone from arrogant to brazen in their exploitation of workers, their manipulation of elections, their avoidance of taxes, their environmental destruction, and their refusal to take responsibility for the messes they make.  They don’t change their behavior because NOBODY STOPS THEM.

Millions don’t like the way things are, but  what are the options?

It’s time to explore alternatives.

On Sunday, November 16th, Fox Valley Citizens for Peace & Justice read more

People’s Climate March in Elgin, Illinois, Sunday, September 21st

Please join Fox Valley Citizens for Peace & Justice, for a People’s Climate March in Elgin, Illinois on Sunday, September 21st.

This event will be in sympathy and support of the HUGE Citizens Climate March which will be held on that day in New York City. There will be similar events all across the country.

Our goal is to draw awareness to the Climate Crisis and demand that our elected officials take action to halt greenhouse gas emissions. We will rally at Kimball Street and Grove Avenue at 3:30 PM. We will have signs and will distribute flyers to passers-by. Then we will walk with our signs to Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren, 783 W Highland Avenue to join a potluck supper. Feel free to bring your own sign or use one of ours. read more

Guest Editorial about the proposed charter school in Elgin

by Mary Shesgreen

Below is a slightly edited version of my guest editorial that appeared in the Elgin Daily Herald on July 4th .  I thank the Herald for publishing it.

I oppose charter schools because they address the wrong problem. The real cause of academic failure is not, as charter proponents contend, bad teachers, teachers’ unions and bureaucratic school systems. The real cause is poverty. Charter schools not only do not solve poverty;  they create a major distraction from that simple fact. read more